Mount Calvary Baptist Church - Hoboken, GA
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Let Go and Let God!
This Week at Mount CalvaryMarch
Wednesday March 12th 7:30 pm
Called Conference after Prayer Meeting. Please plan to attend.
Saturday, March 22nd 9 am - 3 pm
LCA's first Spring-A-Rama. We will have a table at the event inviting people to church. Get with Pam on if you would like to help at the table.
Monday, March 24th 6 pm
Community Outreach meeting in the Social Hall and then will go out and share the Gospel!
Sunday, March 30th All day!
We will have Sunday filled with God's music to stir our hearts. Hayden Gordon will be with us for the morning Service then the Hodsdon family will be with us for our evening service.
Saturday, April 5th
LCA's 5k Spring Sprint. Register with the school if interested.
Nursery Schedule March 9th Jennifer & Maddie Shuman March 16th Barbara Faircloth & Kat Justice March 23rd Jack & Pam
March 30th Kylee & Lauren March Memory Verse
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
1 Corinthians 5:17