Mount Calvary Baptist Church - Hoboken, GA
Tuesday, February 04, 2025
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Amazing Thoughts!

NOEL—Ways to Celebrate the Season: Open Your Home

December 7, 2024

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But they constrained Him, saying, “Abide with us.” … And He went in to stay with them.
Luke 24:29

When Jesus was born, there was no vacancy in the inn, but later many people opened their homes to Him. He attended a wedding in Cana in John 2. Peter’s home became His headquarters in Capernaum. In Matthew 9, Jesus dined in the home of Matthew, who became the author of the first Gospel. Mary and Martha entertained our Lord in Luke 10, and Simon the leper held a dinner for Him in Matthew 26. Jesus visited Jairus’ home in Luke 8, where He raised a little girl from the dead. On the night before His crucifixion, our Lord enjoyed the hospitality of a home with a large upper room. Three days later He sat down for supper with a family from the village of Emmaus (Luke 24).

In thinking about our word NOEL, the O stands for open your home. If you knew Jesus would visit your house, you’d prepare for Him. Although He cannot now physically come, we’re able to serve Him by inviting others needing help, encouragement, provisions, or fellowship.

Jesus always blesses the homes He enters—and He will bless your hospitality this season too.

Show hospitality to a stranger today!
C. S. Lewis


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Galatians 4 – 6